72 Angels of the Kabbalah with Aura-Soma.

For 72 Angels of the Kabbalah course dates click here.

We each have three Angels which accompany us for the duration of our lives, these are our Guardian Angel, our Heart Angel and our Intellect Angel.

If you can imagine for a moment, these Angels have a connection with our breath. They stay with us for the whole of our life while we breathe, from our first in-breath to our final out-breath. The Angels are part of life and living…They are largely unseen and unfelt, but they travel with us always.

It is quite a beautiful thing to think that we are supported in each and every moment, with every breath we take. Maybe we can think of Angels as an aspect of consciousness, something unseen but which is part of the fabric of creation.

Our Birth Angels and colour go “hand in hand”, and within the Aura-Soma Colour System we have Angel bottles.
The Aura-Soma Angel bottles help us to connect with our angels, to unfold our potential and to be the best we can be.

There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet and now scientists are discovering that the shape and form of the 22 Hebrew letters are the same shape and form as the 22 amino acids which make up our DNA – which make up our genes!

Colour, light and sound – the 72 Angel names – are an intrinsic part of our being, the God Code within us.

The 72 Angels of the Kabbalah and Aura-Soma Part 1 is a 4 day course introducing the 72 Angels and your own personal Birth Angels.

How to work with and invoke the 72 Angels into your life in a practical way for personal transformation. An introduction to sound and how to invoke the 72 Angels with their Hebrew names.

A very practical course intended to create positive change at a feeling and cellular level through the vibrational combination of colour and sound.

Part 2 and Part 3 are both three day courses during which we deepen our connection with the angels and our healing process.

There are no pre-requisites for attendance on Part 1.

An Aura-Soma Academy certified course.